Exploring the Full Moon Names, in Native American Culture

Wolf Moon
Every moon in the cycle holds a special significance in both nature and human traditions. The American names given to these moons are particularly noteworthy for their close ties to the natural world’s rhythms.

Passed down through generations, these names do not mark the changing seasons. Also reflect the deep connection between people and their surroundings. They serve as a reminder of times for activities like planting, harvesting, hunting, and introspection rooted in the observations and shared experiences of American communities.

January: Wolf Moon
February: Snow Moon,
Hunger Moon,
Opening Buds Moon
March: Maple Sugar Moon,
Worm Moon
April: Frog Moon,
Pink Moon,
Planter's Moon
May: Flower Moon,
Budding Moon
June: Strawberry Moon
July: Blood Moon,
Buck Moon
August: Moon of the Green Corn,
Sturgeon Moon
September: Harvest Moon (see below for explanation)
October: Hunter's Moon,
Moon of Falling Leaves
November: Beaver Moon
December: Cold Moon

Harvest moon: The full moon nearest the autumnal equinox (about September 23). Near the time of the autumnal equinox, the angle of the moon's orbit relative to the Earth's horizon is at its minimum, causing the full moon to rise above the horizon much faster than usual. Since the difference of the moon's rising time on successive nights barely varies, the moon appears to rise at nearly the same hour for several nights in succession. Because the harvest moon, like any full moon, must rise near the hour of sunset, harvest workers in the Northern Hemisphere may be aided by bright moonlight after sunset on several successive evenings. A similar effect is observed in corresponding southern latitudes around March 21.

Featured Resources:
Full Moon Countdown

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